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Edward Lestrade ( 1951 - )  Category ( Lawyers ) [suggest a correction]

While very little is known about Edward Lestrade, what is known about him is the fact that Edward Lestrade has been diligently working in his trade to ensure he has a voice. It is one that is definitely being heard.

Edward Lestrade was born in 1951. A member of the elite Royal Society of Health in the United Kingdom, Lestrade has used his life to make a profound difference on the items on various legal and medical agendas to become noticed.

Edward Lestrade's area of specialty and expertise seems to be in the area of taxes. He is a UK Company and Tax attorney with enough information to help companies grasp their position whenever they find they are in legal dire straights. Edward Lestrade is a specialist in the field and when help is needed, Lestrade is apparently the one with all the answers.

Edward Lestrade has been a fellow at the Royal Society of Medicine and he has served as a fellow on the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health of the United Kingdom. He is currently available in the UK for various consults and is knowledgeable on various legal matters for businesses and individuals living in the United Kingdom. He is also very helpful in legal-medical consultations.

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