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Andrew Wiles ( 1953 - )  Category ( Mathematicians ) [suggest a correction]
Andrew Wiles was born in 1953 and from his own recollection began having an interest in mathematics at a very young age. He attended the Leys School in Cambridge, England and later earned his BA from Merton College. He went on to earn a Ph.D. at Clare College located in Cambridge. Andrew Wiles did have the luxury of mentors with incredible and gifted minds. John Coates assisted Wiles with his graduate studies and he also had the opportunity to work on Iwasawa Theory with Barry Mazur While Andrew continues to make a significant impact on mathematical discoveries and research, he will always be remembered for one discovery in particular. It stems from the original Fermat’s Last Theorem which Wiles actually learned about when he was the tender age of ten. Based on what he discovered through Fermat’s Last Theorem, his theory was that the rational semistable elliptic curves are modular and because of his continued study based on his beliefs, the modularity theorem was supported. In 1995 with the help of Richard Taylor, Andrew Wiles proved his theory. This was a huge breakthrough in mathematics because Wiles showed that there was a correlation between rational numbers and modular forms with elliptic curves. Thanks to his dedication and work with math, Wiles has received various awards and achievements including The Royal Medal in 1996, Clay Research Award in 1999 and The Shaw Prize in 2005. There have been many others and likely will continue to be as long as Wiles continues his research and study within the realm of mathematics.
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Title :Wiles summary
Description : Andrew Wiles (1953-)
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