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Edna Kramer Lassar ( 1902 - 1984 )  Category ( Mathematicians ) [suggest a correction]

Edna Kramer Lassar was born in 1902 to a Manhattan couple. She was named after her uncle who was in fact, a mathematical genius. As a child, she was held to very high academic expectations and standards.

As a young girl, Edna did excel in school. She received very good grades and she decided that she was going to pursue being a German teacher. After the wars, those dreams weren’t realized. She decided to go in a different direction.

She earned her B.A. from Hunter College. She was able to earn it in mathematics. She later went on to graduate from Columbia. Edna also taught school. She taught at DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx. She also taught at Wadleigh High School.

Edna returned to school and studied briefly at the University of Chicago in 1941. Soon, she was in high demand. Seemingly everyone wanted to be affiliated with Edna. She was asked to co-author a high school text book with some colleagues but she ultimately declined the offer.

In 1972, she was elected to the Hall of Fame at Hunter College for her achievements within the realms of mathematics. Additionally, Edna published one of her greatest works. She published The Nature and Growth of Modern Mathematics. The book provided insight into the world of mathematics from a prolific voice with a head for mathematics.

Edna married Benedict Taxier Lassar who was a French teacher and guidance counselor at a local high school. In July of 1984, Edna died after a long battle of complications associated with Parkinson’s disease.

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