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John Joseph Enneking ( 1841 - 1911 )  Category ( Artists ) [suggest a correction]

Born in 1841, John Joseph was an orphan by the time he was a young man at the age of sixteen. He went to live with his aunt and was able to begin studying art at Cincinnati's Mount St. Mary's College. He studied there until the Civil War broke out.

The war Enneking fought was lost to him early on when he was injured in battle. He was discharged and moved to Boston to continue his artistic endeavors. John's eyes were troubled and he had to give up the more tedious pursuit of art and take up tinsmithing which proved profitable.

Enneking built a lovely home, married and became a business partner in a wholesale business. When the business failed, he returned to art once more. He gained a following and soon was considered an artist of remarkable talent.

John Joseph Enneking moved to Paris to study from 1873 until 1876. He later returned to Boston to open his own art studio in 1876. His work was considered unique and it was one of the reasons so many sought to purchase his art.

Enneking became more settled after his time in France. He joined clubs and societies that would help him further gain his position in the world of art. A member of Boston Art Club, Hyde Park Historical Society and other endeavors allowed him to rub shoulders with those who appreciated his work.

Medals and prize honors were bestowed on him at the 1900 Paris Expo, 1901 Pan-Am Expo and other art shows and expos. Later in life, John Joseph Enneking became the artist-in-residence at the Wilson Cottages. He died in 1911.

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