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Katherine Blodgett ( 1898 - 1979 )  Category ( Inventors ) [suggest a correction]

Katherine Blodgett was born in 1898 in New York. After she was born, her family decided to move to France. Soon after they moved to France, they moved back to New York City. She was shuffled somewhat as a child but it didn’t seem to affect her very much. She was driven to succeed in her studies.

Katherine’s mother enrolled her in private school. She excelled in math even before she graduated from high school. She attended Bryn Mawr College where she received a bachelor’s degree when she was only nineteen. She would earn her master’s degree in 1920 from the University of Chicago.

When Katherine turned twenty-eight years old, she was able to cross another milestone when she became the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Cambridge. That was in 1926. She was a woman of firsts throughout her career and her recognition would be ongoing.

Katherine was hired by General Electric and it was there that she would invent the invisible glass. She had been hired by General Electric as a research scientist but her discovery would show that she was up to more than simple research.

With the invention, came more awards. In 1951, she was chosen by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as one of the fifteen "Women of Achievement." She holds numerous first- woman awards including the France P. Garvin Award.

Katherine Blodgett died in 1979. She left a trail of accomplishments behind.

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