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Francesco Faà di Bruno ( 1825 - 1888 )  Category ( Mathematicians ) [suggest a correction]

There have been various mathematicians who have made a profound impact on the world of mathematics. Even so, Francesco Faa di Bruno’s story is one that has some vast differences. He was not only a mathematician but he was also an author of various educational papers and a priest.

Francesco Faa di Bruno was born in 1825 into a noble family that was well respected in Alessandria. He studied under various intellects which included Augustin Cauchy and Urbain Le Verrier. His education under these men couldn’t prepare him for two other positions that he held with honor.

Francesco Faa di Bruno became a member in the Sardinian Army. He went on to become an ordained priest. Still, he was able to work as a Professor of Math at the university where he was employed.

He earned his Doctor of Science degree from the Universities of Paris and Turin and soon after became dedicated in his pursuits of mathematics. He was well on his way to making the significant contributions to the discipline that he most enjoyed.

Bruno became best known for his mathematical formula Faadi Bruno’s Formula. He was also able to develop over forty articles that would later be published. He published his articles in various publications including the widely respected "American Journal of Mathematics" from the John Hopkins University.

Francesco Faa di Bruno died in 1888. One hundred years later, he was beatified by Pope John Paul II. His work and contributions to mathematics will never be forgotten by historians or by those in the world of mathematics.

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Description : Faà di Bruno (1825-1888)
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