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Royston Nave ( 1886 - 1931 )  Category ( Artists ) [suggest a correction]

Born in Texas in 1886, Royston Nave was a painter who earned respect for his work as an American artist. Nave was born to Jack and Lou Nave. He spent his childhood in the town of San Antonio, Texas. By 1910, he had started to paint and was learning all that he could about his craft while working in Fort Worth.

Soon, Royston Nave left Texas to learn from some of the best artists of his era. He went to New York and studied the art of Irving Wiles and Lawton Parker among others. He became well known for his landscape paintings of the American west.

Royston served briefly in World War I but quickly returned to art and New York after he spent time in the service. His paintings were sought after and showcased in various shows including a showing at The National Academy School of Fine Arts in New York.

A member of Salamagundi Club, which is one of the oldest art associations in the U.S., Nave was thought of as a "rapid painter" and widely recognized as being a painter of contemporary works. He was also well known for capturing American landscape throughout many of his paintings.

Royston Nave died in 1931. Today, his paintings are in galleries in various locations with over sixty paintings housed at the Royston Nave Memorial Building in Victoria.

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