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Antoine Lavoisier ( 1743 - 1794 )  Category ( Scientists ) [suggest a correction]

Antoine Lavoisier was born in 1743 and quickly gained wealth when his mother passed away when he was just a child. Lavoisier went on to study at the College Mazarin from 1754 until 1761 where he quickly discovered he had a fondness for chemistry.

Antoine went on to study law and while he studied law, he gave informed lectures on natural science. He would go on to publish a document on chemistry which he was able to write with a strong collaboration with Jean-Etienne Guettard. Later, Antoine was able to gain an election to the French Academy of Sciences.

Antoine married the young thirteen-year old daughter of a man who was a co-owner in the Ferme. She became a quick study and began to be another of Lavoisier's collaborators though often working from the shadows. She would later prove instrumental when Antoine became interested in publishing his memoirs. His wife edited and published his documentation of his own interesting life.

Antoine Lavoisier, during his lifetime, would become very well known for his version of the law of conservation mass. He was the one who ultimately named and described oxygen and hydrogen. Lavoisier also described and discovered the metric system.

Lavoisier was a prominent figure in the pre-revolutionary government of France. Since he upheld their beliefs and their laws, he was beheaded during the French Revolution. Lavoisier died in 1794.

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Title :Lavoisier, Antoine (1743-1794) -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Scientific Biography
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