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Golda Meir ( 1898 - 1978 )  Category ( Politicians ) [suggest a correction]

Golda Meir was born in 1898. She graduated from college and she taught in public schools but her life would take her on a much different path. She would become known as one of the founders of what would become the State of Israel.

Golda Meir was born in the area of what is known today as the Ukraine. She wasn’t a stranger to the cold or to being left hungry. Some of her siblings even died in childhood with cold and hunger contributing to their deaths.

Golda’s sister was involved in the Zionist-Revolutionary activity that was going on in the area at the time. This put the entire family at risk and in a dangerous position. In 1906, Golda and her family moved to the states. They settled in Wisconsin and began to live a somewhat normal life.

Golda Meir went to college and earned a teaching degree. She emigrated to Mandate Palestine and while she was there, she was able to put to use the degree that she’d earned. She was also there for a greater purpose. She wanted to help find a Jewish state.

Golda Meir would become known as one of the founders of the State of Israel. She later became Prime Minister and was very influential in political decisions.

Golda Meir became instrumental in the development of the American Young Sisters Society. Her life was full of achievements and her involvement in various organizations always proved beneficial. Golda Meir died in 1978 of cancer.

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