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John G. Romo ( - N/A )  Category ( Businessmen_Women ) [suggest a correction]

John G. Romo was born in San Antonio, Texas. Little is known about his childhood however, it is believed that his parents encouraged him to get an excellent education.

From a young age, Romo had an interest in math. He attended Trinity University where he dedicated his life and his studies to algebraic structures and various functional analysis. Romo received his Ph.D. in 1976.

John G. Romo worked at a community college for nine months prior to his start at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He joined the faculty there in 1977 where he found his niche was in computer science.

By 1980, Dr. Romo was working with computer applications for the Air Force and soon he had secured the technical director position heading up research support and providing operations guidance.

John G. Romo has provided the information supplied to the public regarding his artificial intelligence initiatives. He was selected as an Air Force representative working in defense modeling and simulation.

Today, Dr. John G. Romo operates a consulting business dubbed Transformation Concepts. He is one of the more sought after consultants in his line of work and continues to bring innovative ideas to the public's attention.

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