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Brigitte Bardot ( 1934 - )  Category ( Actor_Actress ) [suggest a correction]

She’s been idolized throughout her lifetime and she’s been the woman who has debuted in various songs. There have been media personalities that have talked about her and some who have desperately wanted to interview her, Brigitte Bardot was an entertainer turned animal rights activist. However, she will go down in history as one of the first Hollywood sex symbols ever to exist.

Brigitte Bardot was born in Paris, France in 1934. She would become the French actress many would be afraid to put into the American films because of her risqu approach to acting. She was a model and a singer before she finally gave it all up to be an activist.

In the 1950s and 1960s, she was the movie industry’s sex symbol right along with Marilyn Monroe. However, Bardot’s approach seemed to be one that coupled brains with beauty.

By the time she was fifteen years old, Bardot had modeled for Elle and soon after she was cast for a part in Crazy for Love. She married Roger Vadim who was a film director who seemingly felt that Bardot was never truly appreciated in Hollywood for the talent that she was able to exhibit.

The Vadim and Bardot marriage lasted five years before various men paraded through her life one by one. In 1959 she married Jacques Charries and Jacques would father Bardot’s only son. She was never fond of motherhood and spoke out about the fact a few times.

Brigitte Bardot’s connections to men included a marriage to the German playboy Gunter Sachs and her eventual and current marriage to Bernard d’ Ormal. Today, she is very outspoken on gay rights and animal rights. Bardot’s film career was replaced by her active voice in some very controversial issues.

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Title :Classic Movies
Description : Classic Movies (1939 - 1969): Brigitte Bardot
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