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Teresa Mother ( 1910 - 1997 )  Category ( Religious_Leaders_Figures ) [suggest a correction]

She was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910. Born in Skopje, her father died when she was only eight years old. She had a mother and sister but when she joined the Sisters of Loreto, which was a missionary effort, she never saw her mother or sister again. She was only eighteen years old when she joined the Sisters of Loreto’s religious effort.

Mother Teresa went to Ireland to learn English which was probably one of the best things that she could’ve done at a young age. She took the nun’s religious vows in May of 1931 and began her full-time service within her religious duties.

Mother Teresa seemingly acquired global acceptance and recognition. She was one of the most well respected women of her time. In 1996, Mother Teresa’s mission efforts were operated in over 100 countries for a total of 517 missions.

To show the respect that the woman was able to earn, one must turn back the clock and revisit Beirut. In the moments of heated fire, Mother Teresa helped rescue thirty-seven children when she brokered a seize-fire so that she could go in with the Red Cross and help lead some children out of the combat zone.

The young patients that Mother Teresa saved from the line of fire from the front lines would go down in history as only one occasion where she was able to use her influence for the greater good. There were many other opportunities and she seemed to seize them when she had them.

In 1979, Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize for humanitarian work. She founded the Missionaries of Charity organization and she was recognized for her humanitarian work of grand proportions.

Mother Teresa died in 1997. She was eighty-seven years old.

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Title :Mother Teresa - World of Biography
Description : Life, Mission, Achievements, Recognitions, Awards, Teachings, Views, Vows, Biography of Mother Teresa
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