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Samuel Hamilton Walker ( 1817 - 1847 )  Category ( Inventors ) [suggest a correction]

Samuel Hamilton Walker was born in Maryland in 1817. He would later move to Texas in 1842. Throughout his life, he would become accustomed to performing the various duties of those who were in the positions to protect others. His duties would lead him to the position of a military officer in the U.S. Army and to the rank of Texas Ranger Captain.

Samuel Hamilton Walker was instrumental in the defense against the Mexican Invasion which was led by General Adrian Woll. He played an instrumental role in the defense exercised in that invasion and soon after he was able to join the Texas Rangers.

Under the command and the watchful eye of Captain John Coffee Hays, Samuel joined the Texas Rangers in 1844. He was promoted to the position of rank captain. He would later lead his group of rangers into the Mexican-American war along with General Zachary Taylor and General Winfield Scott’s soldiers.

Samuel Hamilton Walker was also an inventor. Along with Samuel Colt, he was able to produce the "Colt Revolver". The new revolver was produced in 1847. Thanks to Colt and Walker, the Texas Rangers were able to gain the firearms needed and the more effective weapon was placed in the ownership of the Texas Ranger ready to use it.

October 9, 1847 proved to be doomsday for Samuel Hamilton Walker. He confidently charged into Mexico with two Colt revolvers firing from his hands. While the Colt revolver was well equipped to handle the fight, fate doomed him to death that particular day. It would be his last ride into combat.

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