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Rafael Bombelli ( 1526 - 1572 )  Category ( Mathematicians ) [suggest a correction]

Rafael Bombelli was born in 1526. Destined to become recognized as an Italian mathematician, Bombelli was born in Bologna. His father was Antonio Mazzoli. He later changed his name from Mazzoli to Bombelli.

It isn’t really clear how Rafael Bombelli gained his interest in mathematics or what inspired him to pursue mathematics to the extent that he did. However, he was inspired and acquired a true love of mathematics.

Rafael Bombelli wrote an Algebra book that was easier to understand. He took the time to address complex issues that he wanted others to understand. He knew there was a need for the book but it took him several years to complete it once he began it.

Bombelli’s book and his ability to understand the mathematic problems presented to him enabled him to become a central figure in mathematics particularly with his ability to understand imaginary numbers. His talents weren’t confined to math problems which made Bombelli even more interesting and in high demand.

Rafael Bombelli was a noted engineer of his time. However, he failed to repair the Ponte Santa Maria Bridge in Rome in 1561.

Bombelli used the term loosely but did refer to complex numbers as "useless" which is of course, far from what was later discovered. The world of Algebra that Rafael Bombelli studied would later lay the groundwork for some remarkable other studies within the realm of mathematics.

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Title :Bombelli summary
Description : Rafael Bombelli (1526-1572)
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