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Paolo Uccello ( 1397 - 1475 )  Category ( Artists ) [suggest a correction]

There are several Italian painters that are noted throughout history for their contributions to their creative craft. One such painter is Paolo Uccello.

Paolo Uccello was known for his artistic visual perspective. Famed artist Giorgio Vasari once wrote about how important visual perspective was to Uccello. He noted, in his writings, that Uccello would stay up all night long "to find the vanishing point" that he felt he needed to find.

Uccello was meticulous. He wanted his paintings to stand out and they did. However, he wanted to know that his paintings had a greater purpose than simply telling a story. He wanted those who saw his work to feel the passion in his work.

Ironically, three of his best known paintings actually do tell a story. The three paintings that he painted about the Battle of San Romano more or less show the Battle of San Romano.

Since Paolo Uccello liked to use gothic tradition in his paintings, it wasn’t surprising to find the color and pageantry to be flamboyant in many incidences. He was able to capture what he wanted to illustrate by adding the depth that he must have felt his paintings needed to reveal.

When Paolo Uccello died, he didn’t have a lot of people eager to follow in his footsteps like one might imagine that Rembrandt or other famous artists may have had. However, he left behind some unusual works of art and a different understanding of the vanishing point and what it meant to some of the more creative minds of Italian art.

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Title :Paolo Uccello. Biography - Olga's Gallery
Description : One of the largest online painting museums. New exhibits daily. Biographies and main works of many famous artists. Excellent quality of reproductions. Historical comments.
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