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Sisto Badalocchio ( 1581 - 1647 )  Category ( Painters ) [suggest a correction]

Sisto Badalocchio was an Italian-born painter. He was born in 1581 in Parma. He was one who possessed enough artistic creativity to be allowed the rare opportunity to train under Agostino Carracci and Annibale Carraci.

His paintings left nothing to the mind’s eye for imagination. The color schemes were brilliant and the artistry magnificent, Sisto Badalocchio’s paintings and etchings have been something to pay particular attention to throughout the years.

Sisto Badalocchio was recognized as a painter who laid the groundwork and then became very influential in the development of a different style of art. He was a quick study for the styles of Italian Baroque and he brought to Northern Italy the styles found within the Italian Baroque art study.

Sisto Badalocchio’s Raphael’s Bible series became his most notorious work. It was his engraving work that made others stop to marvel at the artistry behind the creation of it. Later, his painting, Christ carried to the Tomb, would earn high praise as well.

Sisto Badalocchio died in 1647. He wasn’t necessarily the best painter of his era but he was deserving of the attention that he earned. Perhaps he even deserved to earn more than what he received. After all, he was the creator of various masterpieces.

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Title :Biography
Description : Biography of BADALOCCHIO, Sisto (b. 1585, Parma, d. ca. 1619, Parma) in the Web Gallery of Art, a searchable image collection and database of European painting and sculpture (1100-1850)
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