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Gottlieb Daimler ( 1834 - 1900 )  Category ( Manufacturers ) [suggest a correction]

Gottlieb Daimler was born in 1834 to parents living in Germany. He was trained as a gunsmith but would later become an engineer. It would be his love of engineering that would drive him to find a company that would later carry his name.

Daimler worked in Britain, France and Belgium. He was hard working and very talented which showed in the work that he did for Nikolaus Otto who hired Daimler to become his technical director at a gas-engine company.

While working for Otto, Daimler met another engineer by the name of Wilhelm Maybach. They became professional friends. When irreconcilable differences between Otto and Daimler weren't resolved, Daimler and Maybach set up their own company.

After the Daimler and Maybach Company began, they started to focus on building a light weight, high-speed engine. They wanted their engine to run on gasoline as well. It would reach up to 900 revolutions per minute when it was completed.

In 1890, the Daimler Motor Company was launched and the first car was sold in 1892. Gottlieb Daimler died eight years later in 1900. He would go down in history as a pioneer of the engines dubbed as internal-combustion engines.

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